People feel devastated as sexual education is about to be banned in Poland

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In October 2019, the right-wing party (Prawo i Sprawiedliwość) voted for banning sexual education in Poland, as it “promotes sexual life amongst young teenagers”. Although PiS party’s MPs reassured that this ban will bring many positives, it started a revolution within polish citizens.  
Mostly, the act brought confusion amongst opposition MPs, such as politics from Wiosna party. Marcin Krzyżaniak, opposition party’s supporter says that the act will bring many negative outcomes: “It takes away the opportunity for teenagers to basic and actual knowledge about sexual life and its role in society. This act is going to cause a lack of sexual education, and, therefore, an increase in pedophilia and having sexual life without preventions.”
When PiS party voted for banning the sexual education, most of the citizens of Poland felt devastated. “I was shocked, I did not know what to find about that. I felt like the government actually does not want us to develop as an open-minded country. The way the PiS party promoted banned sexual education was that it will prevent teenagers from irresponsible sexual life and the LGBTQ community. It only showed me how racism our society really is. Polish youth has the right to sexual education”. 

Not only citizens felt aggrieved about the act, but the European Parliament also disagreed with the doings of the Polish Parliament. In November, they accepted the resolution, where the act was criticized by over 470 MPs. 128 of MPs thought that the act will bring positive outcomes, 57 of MPs defused to vote. Most of the MPs in the European Parliament agreed that the act threatens all citizens, especially teachers, health service workers, journalists and more with 3 years in prison. Member of the European Parliament and a member of Platforma Obywatelska party, Elżbieta Łukacijewska, admitted that every parent should make sure that their child is sexually educated to prevent the child from sexual abuse and pedophilia. 

The Ministry of National Education of the Republic of Poland spokesperson, Anna Ostrowska, commented on the resolution of the European Parliament: “Content of sexuality is being taught in school during sexual education classes, during the fourth year of education in primary schools. Therefore, it is hard to talk about banning sexual education in schools. However, those issues are being raised during other classes concerning social, emotional or physical maturation. This [act] is not a criminalisation of sexual education. It is a ban on promoting pedophilia. The whole project was directed to further work in the parliamentary committees. The Polish Parliament and then the President will decide whether it will be adopted and how is it going to be modified.”

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