Number of stabbings has doubled in Coventry in the last 12 month

The statistics show that the number of stabbing cases in Coventry has doubled since last year.

In 2018, the police recorded 18 stabbings, whereas this year the number exceeded 30 cases. What is more, Coventry was named the eighth most dangerous city in the United Kingdom, that is according to a ranking published by an online magazine, The Travel. 
Number of stabbings in 2018 and in 2019. (Credit: Emma Ray)

On October 12, an anti-knife crime event took place in the city centre. Coventry Says No Event has been organised by the Daniel Kennell Foundation, where the citizens rallied to talk about knife crime and pay the tribute to the victims. 

The Daniel Kennell Foundation representative, Natalie Kennell, commented: “When we arranged #CoventrySaysNo, we had no idea how it was going to go. We joined forced with 44 other cities in the UK to make a stand, together to say no to knife crime and violence”

Many citizens actively took a part in the rally. Cailltlin McCarthy, who performed at the event, said it is scary that there is so much violence, especially amongst teenagers and young adults. 14 years old singer admitted: “You never know what is around the corner, I would not feel safe to go out in the evening”. 

Unfortunately, there is no fully successful method of prevention when it comes to knife crime. As the Daniel Kennell Foundation representative said, “the blame for this madness does not lie in the hands of one group/party – it is a combination of lots of different things that need to be brought together to bring back unity and change people’s mind set”.

The other city that organised such an event was Leeds. Miss Marta Wawrzyniak, AIESEC Committee President who took a part in Leeds Says No, commented: “The problem in Leeds is that if you live close to the campus or in a city centre you do not experience such things as a danger of stabbing or any crime. However, it is worth to know that suck danger exists“.

“In my opinion, there might be various ways to prevent such phenomena. When in comes to students, free transport after 8pm would help, especially if they are living in districts on suburbs, to avoid the situations in which they need to come back home alone at night and they are in risk of being attacked. More police patrols in shady area, especially at night. Bigger police control of clubs and their surroundings during the night, generally speaking – bigger police presence on a daily basis”, commented Marta. 

Because of people feeling they are not being checked or controlled, stabbing may be perceived as a major issue in British society. However, stabbing is only one of many forms of physical aggression. That is why, unarguably, the feeling of danger and threat in today’s society is even a bigger problem. 

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